Saturday, August 30, 2008


its been awhile now.. i keep on forgetting i have a blog. hahaa..
its merdeka eve.. and im alone. i dont know what to do. ive decided not to go to jamasia to see ashroff.. cos i know if i go i'll be alone and lost and dont know whats happening. nabiya is in the curve.. should i go there? let me see? hmm. there will be too many people and i will get lost in the crowd and i bet maxis is going to have problem. so.. curve is a no no too.. hmm.. how about palate palate? let me see.. odd is spinning. hmm.. so lazy.. but i dah siap.. but i dont know where to go.. i feel like staying in my room and do nothing. but that will be boring too. i dont know what i want!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrh.. :( why oh why.. im in tears now. gossh! maybe its pms.
i feel like moving to another country and start a new life.. not in malaysia. hm..

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


dear blog,
today im not in the mood. i think its because of my pms. i hate pms!! gosh.. grrrh! why do we women have to have pms?! it sucks! grr! bleerghh! blarrghh! warggh! why oh whyy? its 4.55pm.. and im looking at kak sari watching her indon drama series. gosh! that
woman have a misai! shave it woman! i can see ur misai from here! everyone is out.. im stuck at home.. i want to go out.. but i have no one to go out with.. sad kan? ya i know.. very the sedih one.. ashroff is busy doing his own thing.. haiyaaa! why so sombong with me now? :( sob sob.. azam and jess dah balik! yeay! hahaa. as if its gonna make any difference. jaam.. help me.. im bored! i miss ashroff! so action laa u now! action action!! cut cut! kahkahakha.. oh.. my ketiak is feeling much more better now after jess suggested to put powder.. it works! thank u jess! i want to mandi la.. but as usual im lazy.. lalala..
im hungry.. i have no idea what to get for ashroff for his birthday present.. hmm?any idea blog? hhmm.. amon left for melbourne already.. have a safe flight monmon! damn! after this is nabiya's turn to leave me.. gosh! why are you guys leaving?? hmm.. klaa.. mandi time.. later dawgie dawg!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

i regret..

i regret waxing my armpit! now my armpit hurts so bad!! the pain is like the "menggelecek" kinda pain! ouch ouch! helppp! oh man.. i think im just going to stick to shaving instead of waxing.. waxing is a bad bad bad idea! should have just wax my legs instead of waxing my legs and also my armpit! what was i thinking?!?! ohhh thanks to my holiday for making me having weird ideas of what i shoud do to make my holiday worth it!! gossh! ouch ouch ouch!!! to all the people out there who never wax their armpit.. just take my advice! go to one of the professional waxing place.. just dont do it yourself! remember! NEVER EVER WAX YOUR OWN ARMPIT! believe me.. well, i just had dinner.. mummy made us dinner.. it was superliciously delicious! nyuummmy! its been awhile since we had home cook meal.. nyummaays! oh.. i have a question.. can we write more than one blog in a day? mesti boleh kan! hmm.. oh.. i hate my phone right now.. im not sure whether its my phone or the maxis line doing their monkey job sampai its so hard to receive or send or call! shhh! i need to talk to my pumpkin here! HELLOOO!!! over dramatic.. i need to poopoo laa.. but very lazy to bangun.. i should stop being lazy.. oh dear sarah! thanks for reading my blog.. i think ure the only who knows i have a blog now.. ;P what should i do next?? hmm.. poopoo and then monday or just stare at the laptop and layan facebook? i think i should mandi and poopoo.. before it gets really late and scary.. what say you blog? -blog " i think you should mandi and poopoo azie!!!" okay.. thank u blog! ure the best! muahahah! bye nowww!

waxing.. ouch!

waxing is painful! i just waxed my armpit.. ahaha! ouch ouch! went to guardian with my mummy just now.. i decided to get a box of wax.. since im on a holiday right now and i have nothing better to do.. waxing came to my mind when i woke up in the morning.. afternoon i mean. after guardian.. my mummy and i and also zakiy went to mydin for groceries shopping.. it was fun.. i love groceries shopping.. im supposed to help mummy in the kitchen right now cos she told me that i shoud learn how to masak now.. but im still in pain after the waxing. ahaha! sorry mummy.. jap lagi amek tolong ok! ;p fuck the gmm company.. stupid!!!! saya kena tipuuuu! wargh!! im sooo gonna take action towards the company.. im gonna sue youuu! yesss uuu GMM!! im bored.. its my first time blogging.. thanks to my boring holiday that is why i have a blog now. lalalallaalaa! oklaa.. will blog again after waxing my right armpit.. ahahaha! i love u blog! mwahh mwaah! XOoXoxooOxO!

p/s : i miss ashroff.. hmmm.. lalalala.. koookooo!