Tuesday, May 26, 2009

a true story about..

who wants a bed time story???? let me tell you a story about what happened after i got back from work.. lalala.. so here goes.. as i got home from work today, that is at 1 a.m on the 26th of may 2009 a.k.a hilman's birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HILMAAAAAN!! :D
okay, back to the story.. happily got home from work.. happy cos i finally get to mandi and baring on my bed after cleaning up the disgusting GT in starbucks with my sleepy eyes cos i had to wake up at 8a.m for class. okaylaa.. dudududud.. room here i come after locking the front door.. open the door, the smell of the apple candle i bought in ikea.. switch on the lights, and dumdumdum! there was a LIPAS on the floor.. luckily i found a ridsect yesterday at 4 a.m. thanks to the nyamuks! i was like.. o'Oh! i smell waaaaaaaaar!! spray spray non stop until the lipas tergolek.. yes yes! die you! VICTORY!!! when the lipas mati already, i open my toilet door to take the towel and mandi in mummy's toilet.. only mummy's toilet ada air panas.. as i walked in the toilet to reach out for my towel.. jengjengjeng!!! MUMMY LIPAS was on the wall!! i think she was looking for her baby lipas that ive already killed. this call for another war! i reached out for the ridsect.. spray spray!! GOTCHA! victorrrrrrrrrrrrrrry!!!! yes yes! that made 2 lipas mati already.. i turned around to go out from the toilet, i spot one more! PAPA LIPAS this time! luckily i was still holding the ridsect.. spray spray!! again, another victory! so i continued on my journey to mummy's toilet. mandi mandi.. done! back to my room.. i felt like poopoo-ing.. oklaa.. decided to poopoo in my toilet since i thought it was safe already.. when i was about to poopoo! WALLAAAAAH!!! UNCLE LIPAS this time! reached out for the ridsect again.. spray spray! too baddddd! nothing can beat the power of the ridsect! only i, queen tiara has the power! muahahhaa! i laughed.. while i was enjoying it, AUNTY LIPAS came in to battle! oh shit!! this time it was hard.. she kept on running away! i chased after her and spray spray! *evil smile* i WON!! yes yes!

so the moral of the story is.. always have a ridsect in your room. you might not know whats coming after you. thank you ridsect!

total lipas i killed = 5! ;)

Thursday, May 21, 2009


so ive decided not eat maggi mee.. but im so hungry. haish.. too lazy to go out and buy food! gosh..
im hungggrraaayy! guess i should just save my tummy for tomorrow.. oh man! why do i have class tomorrow??? why oh why!! oh man! why do i have work again tomorrow?!?! why oh why!!??!
sheesh.. i should sleep. but i cant sleep. i should eat. but maggi? not a good idea after all. why? because

- i have to go down
- put air in the kuali

- wait til the air panas
- open the maggi
-put the maggi in the kuali
-put the rempah in the kuali
-wait til its done
-transfer the maggi into a bowl
- and eat it.

maggi makes you botak. thats what the older generation say. is it true? i guess so..
i have to wake up at 11am tomorrow.. have class at 12.15! why do they have to make it 12.15? why not just 12?? or 12.30? sheesh.. gosh.. on saturday at 6.30 pm, i'll be the happiest 20 year old girl in the world! off dayyyyyy!!! :D cant wait.. 3 more days to go..

should i or should i not?

maggi? no maggi? maggi? no maggi? maggi??


Monday, May 18, 2009

promise is a promise!!

hey hey blog!
see i told you im gonna type on you more often. ;)
well well! my tyre pancit today! haijyooo! im sorry nini and zachary! was supposed to bring them jalan jalan.. but it didnt happen..thanks to my flat tyre! hooray! i missed my morning class today.. oops! still not getting used to waking up early in the morning.. sigh.. but luckily i missed it! today was just about registering subjects and blablabla.. but i cant register my subjects today.. havent paid my fees.. hehehe.. i'l do that tomorrow la.. lalaala.. oh! WELCOME BACK REALITY! :D i missed you! i guess?
let me tell you how my tyre pancit.. here goes..
after college, i went to see nini and zachary.. nini wanted to go jalan2.. i said oklaa since i start work at 8pm today.. zachary and nini got ready.. zachary with nini's handbag "ajie ajie! alan! alan!"
it means "azie azie! jalan jalan!" haha.. so cute laa you zachary! ggrrr! okay.. and then kak erna came out to help nini masuk kereta.. kak erna " azie.. kenak tyre tak sikda angin??" me, so bimbo.. " ohya.. biasa jak ya!" oklaa.. i didnt even bother to go and see, started driving.. and it felt weird.. so i stopped by the road side to check.. oopss.. angin takde! oklaa.. drove to Petronas.. suruh the abang help me pam the angin.. oops.. tyre bocor la adik.. o'Oh.. called amin for help and azek and also mummy.. azek came first.. then mummy.. by the time amin, the first person i called, arrived it was all set to go.. haha! thanks amin for coming all the way to help :) so kind of you.. so thats it.. my front tyre kecik and ugly and i cannot drive more than 80 kilometer sejam.. cant wait for the new tyre tomorrow. :) thats my story for today.. byebye now.

Friday, May 15, 2009


damn it! again i forgot i have a blog. sigh.. sorry blog, didnt mean to leave you alone. yeah, i miss you too blog. kiss kiss my blog.. okay. that might sound crazy but i was actually talking to my blog. anyways, gosh! this is gonna be a sad weekend. goodbyeee my last weekend of freedom! hello reality i wish u didnt even exist. oh well, this is life! study study! work work! gosh! i need the money to joli. no money how to joli?!!? theres like a house party going on downstairs for azek's birthday. got DJ some more playing.. gila laa.. macam disco laa katakan. to those whos reading this and thinking of writing a comment saying " ohh! tak ajaaak sial!!" just so u know! i dont like to ajak orang.. malas to layan. haha.. im sorry. just come la next time okay. thank you for being understanding. ohkay! starting from today! im gonna type on you (blog) EVERYDAY! happy belated birthday azek! akak sayaaang azek! mwah mwah! so.. ive made up my mind.. no more! no more! no more what? no more laa! on monday, i have class at 9 am til 12 pm. 12.15 til 3.15pm. i have work at 8pm til 12am. woww! its gonna be a long long long day! so sad.. sob sob! im gonna cry myself to sleep tonight.. chewah.. over! agagagga!
okay. i ran out of ideas. im gonna enjoy my last weekend of freedom now. goodbye! talk to you tomorrow bloggieeee! kiss kiss.