Monday, April 26, 2010

IM baaaag!! (as in BACK)!

AM BAG! translation = Im Back! just imagine me with the british accent. HAGLO! AM BAG! haglo as in Hello! okay.. i shall stop with the british accent. i like this song ---> Metronomy- A thing for me. someone please dedicate this song to me? please.. a guy la cos im straight. im not into girls cos im not a lesbian. ok? i wonder why some girls sanggup be with a pengkid? eww.. yucks! so weird! if youre a hot lesbian dating a superly hot woman, is acceptable! but pengkid? YOU MUST BE OUT OF YOUR FCCKING MIND! so maybe its true "cinta itu buta". orang putih style "love is blind". but dont be so blind laa until you cannot differentiate a woman and a guy! that is no longer "love is blind". it means you need glasses!! you rabun already until cannot see! haiyjooo.. OGAY = okay (british accent) haha! that doesnt even sound like british accent anymore. it sounds more like ada super thick kahak down under your throat that doesnt want to come out eventhough you've tried everything. OGAY AM UF TO VED NOW! GOODED BEEYYYY BLOGGHIEE.. translation= okay! im off to bed now! goodbye bloggie! wow! 4.25 am already! crazy shieetss yallzz! yallzz tunggu jap okay, i nak pergi beli slurpee. hahahahaha! super funny line from liyana jasmay's videoclip. thanks hyzel for showing me that! hahaha! k.. BED TIME! goodnight people i love! you know you are!! especially you PUMPKIN!!


NoNation said...

Angol kamek baca ktk pun blog tok HAHA I don't even know what accent you're talking about!
You're right about the pengkid thing though, wtf right? Hot lesbians are fine, but one hot lesbian and one... THING, is so uncool.